June 26, 2013

Think positive thoughts.....

Most recent weather check looks promising.  From what I can see, there shouldn't be any rain until closer to 8 or most likely 9 tonight, so if you're worried about getting caught in the rain I'd bet against it.

June 21, 2013

Tough Mudder Volunteering if you're free

Hey guys,

So I got contacted by someone at Tough Mudder to see if anyone would be interested in volunteering for their races in Bromont in a few weeks.  Here's the details below.  If you're interested apparently you can even get into Sunday's race for only $20.

Tough Mudder is coming near to Montreal and we're looking for volunteers to help us out on July 6th & 7th! I’m hoping you may know of friends or contacts who would be interested in the opportunity to come hang out with the Tough Mudder team and thousands of Mudders. If you could share this opportunity with anyone who may take advantage, that would be wonderful!

Volunteers get to do all kinds of awesome things, such as cheering Mudders on at obstacles through ice baths, fire, and mud, marking Mudders' faces, pumping up our amazing crowd at the Start Line, and crowning our Mudders at the Finish Line with their hard-earned and highly-coveted orange headbands. Not to mention free access to the Dos Equis after-party.

If you send me your email address, I can attach a flyer for your group members that further outlines the exceptional perks of volunteering at our events, including details on the opportunity to actually participate in our Sunday event or any future event for only $20!

Registration for volunteering can be found at the following link:

Additional key information
Venue Info: Régie Aéroportuaire Régionale
101 Rue du Ciel
Bromont, Québec J2L 2X4
Parking Info: All parking is on-site at the Airport.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me at my work email: caroline.murray@toughmudder.com

June 18, 2013

How long will the streak stay alive?

Wow, well I guess since I haven't jinxed us yet, I get to comment again about another run with wonderful weather for tomorrow.  23 and sun is about as good as you can get.  So if you're a first timer, this is a great day to start, Brasseur de Montreal has a fantastic terrace and we'll be there to soak up every ounce of this wonderful night!

June 12, 2013

Weather Gods must like us

Well, just when you thought we would never have the rain stop, it clears up just for Wednesday night.  We sadly won't have a terrace tonight with HELM, but it should still be a great run, plus we're getting so big now I am reserving space in advance to make sure we actually get in the door!  We'll see everyone at 7.

June 3, 2013

Welcome to June!

Ok people, it's now summer.  Time to stop the excuses, get out of the office and take advantage of the next 6 weeks (ok, maybe a bit more) before the snow starts falling again.  We're kicking off the month in a big way...an awesome run all the way down the canal to Brasserie McAuslan, home of St. Ambroise beers.  Every bar this month is going to follow up the same way, we're going big for the terraces and the best beers the city has to offer.  Check out all  the destinations and we'll see you at Tam Tams on Wednesdays, still 7PM.