Hello Everyone,
Such an exciting time in Montreal right now. Warm weather, opening of the terraces, being the only Canadian city with any kind of bragging rights about hockey, it's a good life right now. For some of you it can be even better when you join us to get your Montreal Beer Runner T-Shirts and try something new with our barefoot running clinic.
It will be more of a light training session designed to try out the nuances of barefoot running. Distance has been shortened because frankly your calves will thank you the next day, but all are welcome to strap their shoes back on after the clinic to finish off the 5km or whatever distance you want to justify your beers. Don't forget the Habs will be on and the game will have just started on the 10+ TVs at Frappe, so expect lots of pitchers and yelling as they try to finish off Boston for good.
Why I Run FBR – Laura Stillabower
3 years ago