December 1, 2014

End of 2014- A Most Excellent Year

Hello again everyone,

It is getting cold and snowy, but for those of you that are unsure this does not mean we stop and crawl into our igloos for the winter waiting for it to thaw.  We keep on going, even if that means we don't require the running portion.  This is a strange month where we will be cutting a few weeks out due to major holidays, though anyone that is in town is encouraged to arrange something less official rather than idly sitting and doing nothing.

We realize that for many this is a very busy month, so the bars are going to be a bit smaller and more intimate.  That being said, anyone that enjoys that sort of ambiance may find this to be a great time to get introduced to everything, so take your pick.  If you cannot join now, make it your new year's resolution to joining our merry band of runners.

T-shirts still available as well, $20 gets you (for the most part) your pick of size and red or gold color.


November 4, 2014

Winter Season is Here!

Hello All,

Sorry it has been a while since we have posted on here; most of our action now takes place on Meetup or Facebook.  So, if you want to check us out on either of those, here are the links:

Anyways, we've had another great running season, but just because the weather is no longer our friend or you can't see a thing at night after 5 doesn't mean we can't still have fun.  Everything has officially shifted to now being 8:30 meeting times, DIRECTLY AT THE END DESTINATION.  Doesn't mean you can't run there if you want, in fact we'll give you mad props for doing so, but I cannot in good consciousness ask any of you to do so when I will not do it myself.

We still have shirts and a great group, so don't be afraid to come join or ask to see what we have left for shirts, still $20 with most sizes still available!

July 6, 2014

T-Shirts, Photos, and other General Annoucements

Hello Everyone,

We've been having another stellar summer, and no doubt our new T-Shirts are helping to turn heads each and every run.  There are plenty of shirts left for sale, and only $20 each.  If you want one shoot me a message @ or by leaving a comment here or on our facebook page.  I will bring limited numbers of shirts to each run, so to be sure I have the right colour and size for you tell me in advance.

I am also noticing that we are a group that still can do more to raise our profile.  I am putting a new challenge out to all members and friends to come take more and better pictures of us.  We're such a beautiful group but no one will ever know it without pictures!

Otherwise if you are someone who has simply stumbled onto this page and have no clue what is going on, I encourage you to take the leap and come meet us at Tam Tams any Wednesday at 7pm to find out.  If you're a fan of beer at all this is the club for you.

June 11, 2014

Photo Op Tonight for MTL Blog

Hey Everyone,

Sorry not to be so active here, we do much more on and facebook nowadays, but for those of you that still follow us here, we have a lot going on now.  Mostly, the shirts are doing their job and gathering attention for us.  So much so that now MTL Blog wants to do a little piece on us.  As a result, I quickly realized that we are significantly lacking in group and action shots of us.  So, let's fix that tonight.

I will bring a fair amount of shirts to Tam Tams with me.  Some of you I still owe a shirt to, some may want them for the photos.  Either way, we'll try to get some shots of us at the beginning, maybe some action shots, and of course the end at St. Amboise.  So bring your smiles, drink your beer, and come have some fun tonight.

May 13, 2014

T-Shirts, Barefoot Running Clinic & Habs Game

Hello Everyone,

Such an exciting time in Montreal right now.  Warm weather, opening of the terraces, being the only Canadian city with any kind of bragging rights about hockey, it's a good life right now.  For some of you it can be even better when you join us to get your Montreal Beer Runner T-Shirts and try something new with our barefoot running clinic. 

It will be more of a light training session designed to try out the nuances of barefoot running.  Distance has been shortened because frankly your calves will thank you the next day, but all are welcome to strap their shoes back on after the clinic to finish off the 5km or whatever distance you want to justify your beers.  Don't forget the Habs will be on and the game will have just started on the 10+ TVs at Frappe, so expect lots of pitchers and yelling as they try to finish off Boston for good.

April 30, 2014


I won't be here next week, so I could find a way to get them to next week's run but it would be better if you come today. I'll even have the extras with me for sale if you didn't pre-order.

April 28, 2014

Bar Change- T-shirt Update and More

Hi Everybody,

We've had an awesome turnout already here in April even with the terrible weather, so for those of you waiting to see if this thing is real or not you gotta come check it out yourself.

Because we're getting so big I decided we needed to change up from Yer Mad, especially since there isn't really any food there, so Brutopia it is.

Also, we may, *may* get the T-shirts in for Wednesday.  If so, we will distribute immediately.  If not, I will probably have them later this week and will bring them along for next Wednesday as well.  If you want it before then just ask me and I'll work something out.

Also, if anyone is interested the Half & Full Marathon rates are going up on Thursday, so if you want to save a few bucks and commit now here's the link.

Here's another link for anyone that really wants to become an ultimate beer runner.  Yes, that's right, running directly into a beer festival.  I'll be going, and I'm sure there will be more cars headed down as well so book off June 14th on your calendar today.

April 4, 2014

Last call for shirt pre-orders

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to give fair notice here that I will order the T-shirts as of Monday, so if you do not even fill out the google form (I will attach the link one more time below), I will not guarantee that I will have a shirt for you in your size or preferred color. This way we should have the shirts (I hope) for the April 23rd run to Brasserie Cherrier, one of our favorite destinations.

March 25, 2014

Almost ready to Start Running and T-SHIRTS!!!

Alright everyone, it's that time again but for real now. T-SHIRTS ARE COMING, AND FOR ONLY $20! I finally got the samples of the shirts today, and they are a nice 50% cotton 50% polyester blend dry wick material. I actually prefer this for two reasons. 1. It's Montreal and sometimes 100% polyester in the summer or on a cold night is disaster and 2. It actually becomes a shirt that can be worn for other things besides running (for those that are still anxious about that part of things).

So here is the link to the pre-order below: This is the only way to guarantee that I buy your size. While I do anticipate buying extras it won't be a lot so it will be at your own risk. To give people guidance I fit the MEDIUM best and Lauren seemed to do well with a SMALL. Money in advance is also greatly appreciated since as most of you know I do have a wedding to start planning for.

I should see everyone Wednesday later in the evening too if there are any more questions.

February 4, 2014

Wow February Already!!! T-Shirts in Progress

Hello Everyone,

Hard to believe we're already a month into the new year.  Glad to be seeing so many new and old faces for the last little while, and let's hope it keeps going regardless of whatever the weather might bring us.  For those that have not seen you need to head to the Facebook page to see the T-Shirt designs and get your pre-orders in!  Working on the specifics of the shirts now but expect them to be ready well before we hit the roads again.

See you  at the bar soon!

January 4, 2014

Happy 2014, We're Back and better than ever!

Hello All,

Welcome back, sorry for the 2 week hiatus for the holidays, but now that the weather has (hopefully) settled a bit and our life routines are getting back into place, we will pick up right where we left off. 

Of course, naturally, that means that we will get right back into it with a brew pub and a local favorite bar to start with 3 Brasseurs near McGill College (on St. Catherine) and Grumpy's on Bishop (block over from Crescent).  For the regulars it will be a great way to welcome each other back, and for the new members who made us their new year's resolution (there should be many more of you!), we look forward to having our running/drinking family back together.
