December 1, 2014

End of 2014- A Most Excellent Year

Hello again everyone,

It is getting cold and snowy, but for those of you that are unsure this does not mean we stop and crawl into our igloos for the winter waiting for it to thaw.  We keep on going, even if that means we don't require the running portion.  This is a strange month where we will be cutting a few weeks out due to major holidays, though anyone that is in town is encouraged to arrange something less official rather than idly sitting and doing nothing.

We realize that for many this is a very busy month, so the bars are going to be a bit smaller and more intimate.  That being said, anyone that enjoys that sort of ambiance may find this to be a great time to get introduced to everything, so take your pick.  If you cannot join now, make it your new year's resolution to joining our merry band of runners.

T-shirts still available as well, $20 gets you (for the most part) your pick of size and red or gold color.


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