February 20, 2013

Off the beaten path, but totally worth it!

Well hopefully the snow should diminish by tonight, but even if it doesn't the temperatures will stay mild (comparatively), which is good because tonight's destination is a bit off the beaten path.  Brasseurs de Montreal is a wonderful brewpub/brewery location at the bottom of Guy below Notre-Dame, so best bets for metro are Lucien l'allier or Georges Vanier.  Even better, there is the 57 bus that runs along Guy from St. Catherine's or the 107 going down Peel that will get you close as well.

February 5, 2013

February Destinations are up, all over the city

Well let's hope the worst of the weather is behind us, but with February one never knows.  Regardless, we're still hopping all over the city, checking out a full slate of new bars this month that promise to be quite the mix.  We are focusing on metro-friendly destinations, therefore I believe only one bar requires more than a 5 minute walk from any metro, but trust me, it's worth it.